Countdown to September 6th, 2024:


Go here for the breaking news on this year's 'Fest!

Opelika, AL - 10-Day Forecast

Opelika, AL - Radar

Go here for photos of the 2022 Hackfest.

There was a fair amount of controversy swirling around the 2018 Hackfest.

See this page for important changes to the Legends Committee!

2023 Odds

Hackfest Trophy - RIP

Go here for videos of the original Hackfest trophy!


This history of the Hackfest is rich indeed. Years of intense competition have honed the skills of the participants to professional-like levels. Unfortunately, the ravages of old age have negated many of the game improvements accrued over the years: Brett's aching back, Roger's newfound girth, Gary's artificial shoulder, and the receding hairlines of Tim, Eric, Mike and Jim.